Thursday, March 22, 2018

The mysterious bonfire!

I know that I haven't posted in a while, but that's because I haven't played WoW in a while due to exams at uni and such... Anyway, this is my first post of 2018! Yay!
I've been meaning to post about this for a while, but haven't gotten around to do it. But now I'm finally going to do it!

If you go to Timeless Isle in Pandaria and run out into the water by the frog place, you'll eventually find an underwater cave:

Swim into it, and there you'll see chairs and a blue bonfire in the middle:

 If you sit down on one of the chairs, you're able to click on the fire.

Then you'll get a loading screen, and suddenly you're in Gorgrond in Draenor.

You'll see the same blue bonfire and chairs, and this works the same way as the bonfire in Pandaria. You're able to teleport between the continents!

I think that this little secret is really cool, and might come in handy if you want a quick teleport to Gorgrond/Timeless Isle sometime.

Hope you enjoyed this post, and feel free to leave suggestions of what other places I can visit.
Love, Emma ♥

Saturday, December 16, 2017

The UP-house in Pandaria

Hi! It's been such a long time since I last posted on here, but I haven't had time to search for more hidden places, and also I've moved to a different town.

Anyway, I'm back with a new post and this one is a little more of an easter egg than a hidden place actually. I hope you'll enjoy anyway!

Firstly you need to go to Pandaria, and Jade forest. On a small island in the northeast you'll find a peculiar-looking house.

This looks a lot like the house from the movie UP by Pixar.

Inside the house you'll find a pandaren called Kar, this is probably a reference to Carl from the movie.

Outside the house you'll find Rusty Nail running around, this is probably a reference to Russel from the movie.

And by a little doghouse next to the house you'll find Dig, probably a reference to Dug from the movie.

I think this is a cool and funny little easter egg, and I'm not sure if that many people know about this place. If you have some time over between raids and dungeon queues you should definitely visit this place. Especially if you love the movie UP like me!

Hope you have a great day, and happy holidays! Love Emma♥

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The hidden dock in Dun Morogh

I've read about this place at least once before but never visited it until lately when I was in Dun Morogh. It's a cool little hidden place and it's easy to get there.
It's easiest to fly here but it's possible to access this place in ohter ways too. I've marked this place on the map with a red circle.
 There's a little dock with a house and some goblins.
And lots of bones inside the house. It's a cool place you should definitely visit!
Hope you have a great day, love Emma♥

Friday, April 1, 2016

The little camp in Dragonblight

I've only read about this place sometime before but I never really visited it until a couple of days ago when I did my weekly Naxxramas run for transmog. It's a cool hidden place, not far from Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.

It's located between the mountains above Wintergarde Keep, I think it's easiest to use a flying mount to get there.

It's an abandoned camp, perfect for roleplaying if you're into that. You should really go and visit this place sometime if you happen to come here.

Hope you have a great day, love Emma♥

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The bear-camp in Dun Morogh

I watched a video about this place and decided it could be worth paying a visit to it and so I did! It's a really funny and cool place hidden away in the mountains in Dun Morogh.

You need to fly up to this place, it's a little valley with trees and such. You know that you've found the right spot when you see a camp with bears in it and dwarves up in the trees.
It's kind of obvious that these bears have attacked the dwarves' camp and chased them up the trees. You should really visit this place sometime, it's worth it.

Hope you have a great day, love Emma♥

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The sledding dwarves in Dun Morogh

I watched a video about this place once and decided to visit it maybe a week ago or so, but I'll share it with you now since I haven't had that much time to post here lately.

You'll find this place if you fly up on the side of the mountain outside of Ironforge, there up on the mountain you'll eventually find some dwarves and a small camp.

You might spot a dwarf sledding downhill, others stand watching and another one has a pug on his sled. It's a funny little place but unfortunately you can't use the sleds. At least you can watch the dwarves have fun.

Hope you have a great weekend, love Emma♥

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Demon Fall Canyon

This place might not be that hidden but I think it's a cool place and I found it when I was questing in Ashenvale for my Loremaster Achievement.
It's possible to go here by both flying mount and ground mount, and both Horde and Alliance can go here.
In this dark and creepy canyon you might come across a stone. Click on it!
It will open a little window where you can read that this is in fact a stone raised to honor Grommash Hellscream when he fought Manoroth. This is a kinda cool place and if you haven't visited it already, do it!
Hope you'll all have a great day, love Emma♥