Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The bear-camp in Dun Morogh

I watched a video about this place and decided it could be worth paying a visit to it and so I did! It's a really funny and cool place hidden away in the mountains in Dun Morogh.

You need to fly up to this place, it's a little valley with trees and such. You know that you've found the right spot when you see a camp with bears in it and dwarves up in the trees.
It's kind of obvious that these bears have attacked the dwarves' camp and chased them up the trees. You should really visit this place sometime, it's worth it.

Hope you have a great day, love Emma♥

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The sledding dwarves in Dun Morogh

I watched a video about this place once and decided to visit it maybe a week ago or so, but I'll share it with you now since I haven't had that much time to post here lately.

You'll find this place if you fly up on the side of the mountain outside of Ironforge, there up on the mountain you'll eventually find some dwarves and a small camp.

You might spot a dwarf sledding downhill, others stand watching and another one has a pug on his sled. It's a funny little place but unfortunately you can't use the sleds. At least you can watch the dwarves have fun.

Hope you have a great weekend, love Emma♥

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Demon Fall Canyon

This place might not be that hidden but I think it's a cool place and I found it when I was questing in Ashenvale for my Loremaster Achievement.
It's possible to go here by both flying mount and ground mount, and both Horde and Alliance can go here.
In this dark and creepy canyon you might come across a stone. Click on it!
It will open a little window where you can read that this is in fact a stone raised to honor Grommash Hellscream when he fought Manoroth. This is a kinda cool place and if you haven't visited it already, do it!
Hope you'll all have a great day, love Emma♥

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The hidden troll-hut in Stonetalon Mountains

I saw some people visiting this place and I thought it was a cool place to share here since it's so hidden away from where you usually quest in Stonetalon Mountains.

You need to fly here to this area marked on the map. Below this place is a huge area with trees, perfect for roleplayers.
Then when you arrive to the exact spot I've marked on the map you'll find an abandoned troll-hut.
You can fly around to explore this area and I found some cool ruins not that far from the troll-hut.

Hope you'll all have a great day, love Emma♥

Monday, March 21, 2016

The hidden dwarf-farm in Arathi

I've seen some people visit this place before but I decided to visit it on my own for the first time a few days ago. It's a really cool place actually, and I think it's only possible to visit this place with a flying mount.
This place is located at the eastern coast of Arathi Highlands, the area is marked on the map with a red circle.

I was logged in on my Horde monk when I went here so it's possible to go here both as Horde and Alliance. There's a little dwarf farmer walking around here and he's hostile to Horde players since he's an Alliance NPC but he's not that high level so it should be easy to kill him if you want the place for yourself.

Another cool thing is the mountains separating this hidden area from the Arathi Highlands because in between these mountains is a huge green area perfect for roleplaying if you're into that. The only weird thing is that when you fly over these mountains it says that you enter the zone The Forbidding Sea.
Hope you'll all have a great day, love Emma♥

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Whispering Forest in Tirisfal Glades

A lot of you might know about this place, others might have seen people post about it on Instagram or something else. This is one of my favorite hidden places in WoW because it's so beautiful yet so mysterious.
First of all you need to fly up to these hills, in between them you'll eventually find a forest named The Whispering Forest. It's easiest to go here as Horde because you can easily fly here from Undercity but it's possible to go here as Alliance too. Look for some white mushrooms in a circle, when you see them you just have to wait unless the ritual has already begun.
What you'll see is some Sprite Darters/Faerie Dragons performing some kind of ritual. Turn the volume up to hear their song and you can also pick up a music roll for your garrison jukebox during the ritual, in that way you can have their song playing in your garrison. Some corrupted deer are watching this ritual the whole time, coming out of nowhere.
There are a lot of speculations about this place and why this ritual is performed. Some think it's connected to the Emerald Dream/Emerald Nightmare while some others think that there's an Old God buried beneath this place.
I think that it could be connected to the Emerald Nightmare and an Old God since the Emerald Nightmare became corrupted because of an Old God. These Sprite Darters are either trying to keep the Old God sealed deep beneath the ground or they're trying to free it. I don't know, these are just speculations after all...
Leave a comment about why you think this mysterious ritual is going on and what might be buried underneath.
Have a great day, love Emma♥

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The dead fisherman in Tirisfal Glades

This is a place I visited a couple of days ago and I've seen some people visiting this place in videos before but I decided to share it here anyway because it's one of Tirisfal Glades' little secrets. 
You need to fly to the area marked on the map. It's a small island in the lake here in the western part of Tirisfal Glades. It's easiest to go here as Horde because then you can just fly from Undercity but it's possible to go to this place as Alliance too. 
 Here you'll find a dead fisherman, a chair and some live bait. Also I found some rats.
I don't know why this poor fisherman was killed but it's a cool little secret.

Hope you'll have a great Saturday, love Emma♥

Friday, March 18, 2016

The sleeping Dragon

This is actually one of the coolest secrets in WoW according to me. I've seen people going here in videos before but a few days ago I decided to visit this place on my own.
The place is located at the southern part of the Ahn'Qiraj-zone, the easiest way to get here was to take the Uldum-portal from Stormwind/Orgrimmar and then fly to this coast marked on the map.
Here you will find a cave which you can enter.
 In the deepest part of the cave you will find a sleeping dragon named Andrestrasz. People aren't sure why the dragon is there but some believe it might be some kind of memorial to someone. I think it's cool because it's so hidden and many people might not even think about coming there. It's at least something I think you guys should check out.

Hope you'll have an awesome weekend, love Emma♥

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The mysterious grave in Feralas

I first found this little mysterious grave when I was questing for my Loremaster Achievement, and a few days ago I went back and checked it out again. I've googled a bit about it but I haven't found who might be buried in it or why it's there. 
It's located here, and it's not that big so it can be easy to miss it. But it's possible to get there on a normal ground mount when you're questing in Feralas. 

It's a sad little place, but at least someone has been so sweet to put some flowers on the grave. 
Hope you've had a good day, love Emma ♥

The little island in Feralas

I've found so many cool places in Feralas so I wanted to share yet another place I found the other day when I was flying around there.
The place is located in the northern part of Feralas and I think you might need a flying mount to get there. You need to fly to this island marked on the map, and there you will find something kinda funny-looking.

It's an island full of named NPC's! The tower is on fire and there are some cats running around too.
Feel free to leave a comment if you have any more suggestions of places I can visit since I love to discover new places in WoW!
Hope you all have a good day, love Emma♥

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Goblin Resort in Feralas

Some of you might know about this place already but I decided to post this anyway because it's such a fun place to visit!

First of all you need to go to Feralas, then you just fly up here to the area marked on the map. I'm not sure if you can go to this place with a normal ground mount since I have only tried to fly here. 
The NPC's here are friendly to both factions so you can come here both as Alliance and Horde. This is a great place if you're looking for a spot to relax and chill with your friends. 
If you have any more suggestions of places I can visit and post about here, feel free to leave a comment. 

Hope you all have a great day, love Emma ♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The skeleton hill in Blasted Lands

This is a place I visited during Hallows End when I went exploring Azeroth with my boyfriend. Today I went back to it to take some screenshots and I also decided to share it here so you can go there too and take some awesome screenshots. It doesn't matter if you're Horde or Alliance, both factions can go here and it only requires a flying mount to get there.

To begin with you need to get to Blasted Lands, then you just fly to the highest point of this hill here (which is pictured on the map). There you will find something kinda creepy but at the same time cool-looking.
If you have any more suggestions of hidden places and secrets in WoW that I can visit feel free to leave a comment.

Hope you all have a great day, Love Emma♥

Monday, March 14, 2016

My new blog!

Hi everyone! This is a blog about all the hidden secrets and places I find in the game World of Warcraft. I've decided to create this blog because I love to go exploring new places in World of Warcraft and now I've decided to share these here on this blog. So basically I'll just post pictures about places that I've discovered and where they are located in the game. Hope you'll all like it!

This is my main, an alliance pandaren beastmastery hunter. I'm sure you'll see a lot of her here when I begin to post more frequently.

Have a great day you all, love Emma