A lot of you might know about this place, others might have seen people post about it on Instagram or something else. This is one of my favorite hidden places in WoW because it's so beautiful yet so mysterious.
First of all you need to fly up to these hills, in between them you'll eventually find a forest named The Whispering Forest. It's easiest to go here as Horde because you can easily fly here from Undercity but it's possible to go here as Alliance too. Look for some white mushrooms in a circle, when you see them you just have to wait unless the ritual has already begun.
What you'll see is some Sprite Darters/Faerie Dragons performing some kind of ritual. Turn the volume up to hear their song and you can also pick up a music roll for your garrison jukebox during the ritual, in that way you can have their song playing in your garrison. Some corrupted deer are watching this ritual the whole time, coming out of nowhere.
There are a lot of speculations about this place and why this ritual is performed. Some think it's connected to the Emerald Dream/Emerald Nightmare while some others think that there's an Old God buried beneath this place.
I think that it could be connected to the Emerald Nightmare and an Old God since the Emerald Nightmare became corrupted because of an Old God. These Sprite Darters are either trying to keep the Old God sealed deep beneath the ground or they're trying to free it. I don't know, these are just speculations after all...
Leave a comment about why you think this mysterious ritual is going on and what might be buried underneath.
Have a great day, love Emma♥