Saturday, March 19, 2016

The dead fisherman in Tirisfal Glades

This is a place I visited a couple of days ago and I've seen some people visiting this place in videos before but I decided to share it here anyway because it's one of Tirisfal Glades' little secrets. 
You need to fly to the area marked on the map. It's a small island in the lake here in the western part of Tirisfal Glades. It's easiest to go here as Horde because then you can just fly from Undercity but it's possible to go to this place as Alliance too. 
 Here you'll find a dead fisherman, a chair and some live bait. Also I found some rats.
I don't know why this poor fisherman was killed but it's a cool little secret.

Hope you'll have a great Saturday, love Emma♥

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