Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The hidden troll-hut in Stonetalon Mountains

I saw some people visiting this place and I thought it was a cool place to share here since it's so hidden away from where you usually quest in Stonetalon Mountains.

You need to fly here to this area marked on the map. Below this place is a huge area with trees, perfect for roleplayers.
Then when you arrive to the exact spot I've marked on the map you'll find an abandoned troll-hut.
You can fly around to explore this area and I found some cool ruins not that far from the troll-hut.

Hope you'll all have a great day, love Emma♥


  1. Yeah, i found it today. It looks like the whole area was not completed. Other than flying, you cannot reach any of the Western areas of Stonetalon.

  2. Actually I stumbled upon this area while on my level 29 warlock. I simply climbed the mountain wall, starting from the den in northwestern Stonetalon Peak. So, mounts are not needed to reach the area.
