Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Goblin Resort in Feralas

Some of you might know about this place already but I decided to post this anyway because it's such a fun place to visit!

First of all you need to go to Feralas, then you just fly up here to the area marked on the map. I'm not sure if you can go to this place with a normal ground mount since I have only tried to fly here. 
The NPC's here are friendly to both factions so you can come here both as Alliance and Horde. This is a great place if you're looking for a spot to relax and chill with your friends. 
If you have any more suggestions of places I can visit and post about here, feel free to leave a comment. 

Hope you all have a great day, love Emma ♥

1 comment:

  1. Weird place - I would never have found this on my own. I stumbled on the grave in Feralas and found your thanks. Thanks for sharing the strange places of WoW :) (you are probably not playing anymore, but i am back at the game after 3 years off. Still fun)
